Hotel Information


447-5, Niseko Town, Abuta District, Hokkaido, 0481511, Japan
15:00~ 23:00
Until 10:00
cancellation fees
When a guest cancels a reservation in whole or in part, the hotel will charge a penalty in accordance with the separately stipulated penalty charge regulations. The day of the contract cancellation notice Reservation amount will be 100%, 3 days before: 20%, 2 days before: 50%, the day before, the day of, no-show: 100% If the guest does not arrive by 1:00 a.m. on the day of the stay without contacting the hotel (or 1 hour after the expected arrival time if the expected arrival time is specified in advance), the hotel may consider the reservation to have been canceled. Please note that cancellations during the winter high season will incur a 100% cancellation fee and will not be subject to refunds. The customer will be responsible for any remittance fees incurred in canceling the reservation. Please cancel your reservation in writing or by email to Cancellations will be accepted from 9am to 6pm Japan time, and will be processed the next day outside of these times. Please note that date changes may also be considered as cancellations.
credit cards
  • VISA
  • JCB
  • AMEX


    This resort-style capsule hotel is located right in front of the Niseko Moiwa Ski Resort. In winter, just step outside the hotel and you can enjoy powder snow to your heart's content.

Hotel services and amenities

Building and facilities
  • Parking lot
  • Lounge
  • Restaurant
  • Showers
  • Lockers
  • Coin laundry
  • Vending machine
Guest room facilities/Amenities
  • Non-smoking room
  • Bath towel
  • Face towel
  • Toothbrush set
  • Hairbrush
  • Razor
  • Electrical outlet
Other facilities/Services
  • Free Wi-Fi available through the entire building
  • Courier service
  • Microwave oven


447-5, Niseko Town, Abuta District, Hokkaido, 0481511, Japan

[By car] From New Chitose Airport, take Route 276 for about 2 hours (via Lake Shikotsu, Bifue Pass, and Kimobetsu) From Sapporo, take Route 230 for about 2 hours (via Nakayama Pass and Makkari) Parking: Free parking for 250 cars. [By train] Express and local trains run between New Chitose Airport, Sapporo, Otaru, Kutchan, and Niseko. (Please note that the JR Hakodate Main Line runs infrequently.) From Niseko Station, take a taxi for about 10 minutes. [By bus] From New Chitose Airport Station, take a bus bound for the Niseko area for about 3 hours, stop at the "Kanro no Mori" bus stop, then take a taxi for 3 minutes (10 minutes on foot). "About using a taxi" In the Niseko area, reservations may not be possible during the winter high season. If you are thinking of using a taxi, we ask that you contact the relevant taxi company in advance. The hotel does not make taxi reservations. Thank you for your understanding.